Number 5


‘The Ways Of Being,’ in the beginning
said  but waves of potentiality.
Given mass, form and life when seen and touched,
to fulfill their purpose in tenancy.
On earth, made perfect, needy, soft and flawed, 
with both a flair and a propensity.
Needing evolving and experience,
to fulfil their function in Destiny.
Unfathomed by most, their de facto post,
known only, following their effacing.
Having suffered and having acquired,
the know how, to know and guide the living.
No longer succumbing to their ego’s control,
they’re having had learned to know and bestow.


The means it’s said we come about,
the same as that we get wiped out.


This sonnet referring to the famous double split experiment in the study of quantum Physics.

Albeit, having our origin stories in our legends, myths and religions. That in time fall from both grace and use, usually for the latest scientific theory.  To some degree, having helping us assuage the sporadic anxiety the emanates from our lack of real knowledge, regarding our life and death on this world.  All that what most people would rather deny and/or not attend to, preferring other goals and considerations.

For some, those, life’s uncertainties are easier coped with, when their myths and stories are believed, providing some framework , and a bit of certainty, and some equilibrium, enough to attend to their or our more pressing survival and economic concerns and needs.

Our stories and narratives in time developing into religions, ideologies and identities based on their explanatory, economic and evolutionary power.  Most lacking both compleation and experimental evidence for them.  Often considered backward and primitive by many in various scientific endeavors.  Who see their own theories superior, unable to fathom the former’s suppositions.

That, (however much science they’ve learned) has also provided some degree of refuge from uncertainty, an explanation enabling attendance  to our ever pressing economic needs and concerns.

Until, some say, they’re having an experience of a higher order, that of the unity and function of existence and our role in its being.  Enabling them some respite in its realization.


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Ever our seeking an explanation,
some solace, some rest, some point to it all.
Writhing in dread, in angst, alone in bed, 
our praying and begging for sleep to call.
Like those blind men bathing their elephant,
knowing, attending only to their part.
These rhymes and lines and their subsequent signs,
all marginal and partial from the start.
Poets mostly scatterbrained and errant,  
barely able to formulate their thoughts. 
It’s why they’re always without and babbling,
much less they’re able to connect the dots.
Hacking, echoing, and pilfering one another,
when only through experience, we’ll know the answer.

Insofar as all what we see
 is what we are and need to be.


          The allusion and the explanation of the story of, ‘The Blind Men And The Elephant,’ with its initial and obvious meaning, in this sonnet, interpreted on a rudimentary surface level here, and in the introduction to, ‘THE WAYS OF BEING, a mistake on the part of this author.  It’s having other interpretations way over the top of the one here.
          Better and exercise for one’s own mind.  An exercise it’s said for the right hemisphere of the brain, the so called intuitive side.  Since tales of this kind are said to exercise and develop new neurological pathways, patterns, trajectories, neurological  denitrifications’, for action and function in the human brain.  Said able to enhanced man’s cognition, expand man’s conscious mind, and the potential, inherent in the human brain.
          Be that stories of this kind are capable of multiple levels of interpretation, not just those taught in the academic study of classical literature, (the literal, moral, allegorical, and symbolic).  There’s also some in science, in the fields of Wave and Particle Physics, in Economics and in Biochemistry, etc.,  i.e. the polyclonal B cell response, for example.
Far more important however, pointed out by a now deceased esoteric author, one can, among other things, learn about oneself, by observing our, one’s reactions to tales and stories of this kind.  A prospect that this author admires and should also do more of.  Stories of this kind said also composed to incur more humility when needed in man, when perplexed by what these stories have to say, people can become more open, more available, to learning from those who can interpret them here.
          The above and some other stories of this kind having meanings (beyond merely their obvious, religious anagogical, renderings and effects), ie., they’re having some even more essential inferences and interpretations. That can only be understood and internalized, if and after one’s having transcended, one’s lower spiritual termini (stations) for a higher ones.  Their higher levels of interpretation and decipherment, able to be seen, understood and known, only after having acquired the necessary refinement, sanctification, and illumination to do so.     


Anagogical: Spiritual interpretation.


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Here, where we conjecture, our Gods can hear,
that there’s more than just this surface veneer.
Looking down some say from the stars above,
laughing at our prayers for self-serving love.
Aghast at all what we’ve done to the earth,
having another intent for our birth?
Where we believe, we can actually know,
when only in Death we’ll decode what’s so.
Never my dharma, never with the dough,
having but some sprigs of dry mistletoe.
Ergo the intention: To say goodbye,
to spread out the blame, to indemnify,
the Ways of Being, if ever to be clear,
as to what could be here, behind this mirror. 

Such words on paper thought of some value,
in three generations home for mildew.

Most of us clueless, not even curious as to what might be our real purpose and function on earth.  Much less that in the grander scheme of things.  Hardly worth seeking our real purpose, considering the amount of time of the Universe has been in existence a non entity in 3 generations,   That intention, barely significant.  Only recognized by a few in history.  Most of us opting for more immediate and more available objectives.  Finding  meaning: in our professions, having children, loving, leaving something good and positive behind, etc. etc. are some examples. 

Few of us ever coming to the understanding of our perennial, essential mission and/or the function of our life.  Due mostly to our ignorance of its value, immanence and significance on the earth.  Either rejecting anything more, than our own contrivance, or merely believing in a mission and function our Cultures and Religions have conditioned us to have. 

 The Absolute, Eternity, Existence, The Universe, The Cosmos, The Scheme Of Things, what some people call God) having some need of our life and its interactions in time.  In the order of their (our interactions) occurrence, for reasons and purposes of its, or their own.  That if otherwise and not for it, and if man’s consciousness were only an accident, how would it (the universe) otherwise recognize itself?  How would it know to maintains its own existence, and continuing to be, without creating  some way of seeing and getting some feedback for itself.  The reason for the creation of mankind.

By that definition life is vital, pivotal, essential within the grander scheme of things, our having as individuals little choice in the matter.  Having not asked to be born.  Nor with any control as to when.  Life in its microcosm, driven more by circumstance and occurrence, mandated and obligated at a given point in time, to fulfill a specific supposedly unknown function in time?  Via, from the occurrence of energies and necessities, beyond our comprehension and control.  Having imperatives, that we can barely conceive of, that we cannot help, but to perform and or do.  Including experiencing our sufferings while still alive here.   Most of which we ordinarily would not have chosen to engage in or do.  Much less, what we were educated and/or socialized for, when young.  Our life being driven mostly, but maybe not always, by the Grander Scheme Of Things.  

Our sufferings, our dilemmas, and rebukes said by some, having the function of developing the necessary humility to perceive and apprehend man’s purpose and destiny in the Grander Scheme of Things.  That once in league with it (the grander scheme of things) one can have choices as to where, what and which way, and how fast to go.  Our sufferings, triumphs, redirects, and dilemmas incurred  when meeting life’s dilemmas and challenges, having been imposed by Occasion and Geography for the (Grander Scheme Of Things’) own rationale.  Each one antecedent in another’s causation in time.  Few of us ever seeing, much less knowing how our behaviors in the aggregate, our functioning, our coping, our suffering integrate and fit into that larger constellation, toward meeting our greater and our sacred purpose in time.  Nevertheless, always completed or accomplished while here.

Said by some, that of the advancing of human evolution.  Not that of Darwin, or the so called survival of the fittest or that of the Social Biologist.  Rather (the advancing toward a time when mankind can (while maintaining its specific benefits) transcend the confines of our Species’ biology, and conditioning  and eventually our circumstances, for purposes of its (of Existence’s) own.  Our obligations, those imperatives, the dying’s and sufferings of individuals not unlike that of the pruning and dying of various cells in the body for the greater health and intent of the larger entity (the Absolute), having had fulfilled their primary function. The first step along, the almost infinite way finding our place and purpose in time. 

The phrase (Scheme of things) used here, merely as a guideline, distinct from words like destiny and or predestination, the latter implying there’s no other option.  We can and do, sometimes make choices, but not very often, so driven and controlled  by our biology, conditioning and circumstance.  Said, when and if developed enough, real choices can be made in certain situations and capacities.  Usually to align with, correspond to, or to refine the greater intention.  


Mistletoe: A parasitic  plant that invades and lives off another eventually at the expense of its host.  Aside from it’s obvious reference to kissing under it during Christian holidays, some Druids had it, that what lies dormant below it, through love will come back alive again someday. Thought also to have been an aphrodisiac, albeit highly toxic when ingested.  Used also as an amulet for protection, Ritual of oak and mistletoe.

          Dharma: In some Hindu sects, the cosmic order.  In the Rig Veda, the supporting and or sustaining aspects of the universe, i.e. their God. 

          Dharma in Buddhism for many, their teachings, the way in some other interpretations.


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In need of some guidance while on this sphere,
to be of service in one of their forms,
while on these straight and twisted byways here,
in the ruin and fortune from their storms.
As to how to go about our ageing,
and learning the sake for our and their birth?
On this rock, which has us so wondering,
after all we’ve done, why still on the earth?
The length of our life never extended,
past what we must, both do and suffer for.
Regardless, what we believe we’re doing,
a critical, unavoidable chore.
Purporting, searching for the truth while here,
when most of the time, would rather drink beer.

The one who’ll fly higher the other,
the one more likely to fall and suffer.


Beside our alleging and  purporting we’re wanting to know what’s true and real, while still alive here.  The point here is, that our life is essential, that all life is vital and integral in its time.  Not just to fulfill our personal desires and the meeting of our survival needs living here now.  It’s even more so, (more essential), for the very maintenance and continuation of the universe, the cosmos, the absolute, the multiverse, the whole of existence.  That what some people consider to be God in the time we’re alive here, even while needing of some guidance as to how.
          If it, (if our lives) were not, needed in their time, for something more than fulfilling our personal desires, why would the Absolute, the Universe, the Cosmos, Existence, what people call God, even bother to evolve and muster the specific intent and/or necessary energy to create and maintain it, us (life as we know it, you me, our specific life form, here in time).  If merely only an accident, or if only for entertainment, why bother if we were not needed, or vital.  If only the result of random or desultery phenomenon, then why does it (life) and mankind seem to develop and continue on and on.  Not having had extinguished itself arbitrarily by now.  Albeit, our being here seemingly for only an extremely short amount of time compared to the whole of history.
         Thought by so many a naïve, if not a preposterous assertion.  Considering the utter wasting and destruction of both material and human potential.  Be that from the beginning of time (if there was one) trillions of budding and innocent beings, entities, substances, elements and living organism have been deliberately and/or randomly destroyed, killed and maimed for seemingly no good reason.
         Nonetheless, life here is still thought  to be both necessary and essential.  In that life can’t help but to be a function of the dynamics, within the Absolute, the Cosmos, the dynamics within existence.  Integral, essential for the Absolute to remain as such, intact, known, whole, everywhere, in order to be and remain Whole and Absolute.  Albeit our life’s needing of some guidance on this sphere. 


          The (Absolute, Existence, the Cosmos, Eternity, the Universe, what some people call God) again whether both within us or not, having its own will, mechanisms and take on things, superseding the desires of egocentric man.  Said, not unlike the mortality of certain cells in the human body, (while once having fulfilled their original function and while maybe undeserving of their mortality), their demise thought vital for the benefit of greater whole.  Albeit, necessary at a given point in time, a part of its, (Existance’s) larger biological aspeation and plan.


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  •          First, thank you so much for finding this Blog.  In it you’ll find what’s said to be some  esoteric, annalistic, narrative poetry.  The first of the three books of it, published and released in January of 2022.
              In which (within the blog) I plan to post the first 99 sonnets in it.  Beginning with the first five, THE OVERTURE, to the WAY OF BEING, as well as some of the feedback and comments I’ve received about them on a monthly basis from now on.  To incite you into responding and/or to your criticizing of them, if you like.
              Showcased here to enhance their dissemination as well.  Also for those unable to purchase a copy of the book at this time.
              Please note the verses ( each a single sonnet) are meant to be read in order in this blog.  Sequentially, since each sonnet broadly relates to the previous or the next one there.
  • INVATATION       
  • So, have look here if you like, at some of the  first stanzas in Volume One. Perhaps of some interest to you.  Hopefully, stimulating some thoughts, impressions, insights and/or some intuitions from and in you.
               Should you decide to respond, there are comment sections/windows for you to do so, beneath each of their postings.  Perhaps a dialog will ensue, of some interest to us all.
               Regarding my acceptance and my posting of your comments, I’m more apt to, if they’re related in some way to the poetry’s verses and/or the comments previously posted there.  Not way out of bounds from their intention, meaning and/or their subject matter.
              You can also see some samples from Volumes II and III on this Website’s Excerpt page.
               So with that, below is the first verse in Volume One, perhaps of some interest to you. 
  • Here then is the :
The first one here.
For the readers reading:


to whom we first here pray:

In the name of the fact of existence,
and that of the spirit in its Being,
with reverence we pray to their essence,
their truth, grace and presence from which we spring.
Their Ways Of Being when a multitude,
the ways of their being, when on the scene,
to their oneness here, with our gratitude,
their Ways Of Being, when behind the screen.
For raising us up, from out of the depths,
to undergo another way to be.
Where, if watching our steps, when on our treks, 
might find if there’s one with a master key.
While here on these verdant and mordant shores,
living like sheep, rainbows and dinosaurs.

Always there being within their existence,
one fourth more than the four-fourths of their presence.


       Among the many things that could be said and implied from any one of the lines above.  Notice there’s neither a depiction of, nor a call for ‘belief’ in anything much less, for that of personified God.  Belief, defined here as: a psychological construct in the mind, made out of phenomenon, that makes for both a context and or a depiction of the world and/or the universe, that we live in here, thought or held  to be true  without real proof or supporting evidence.  Thus subject to argument and confrontation.  Nor is there a desire for the recognition much less an affirmation of what’s being said in the sonnets here.

          Rather this sonnet (a prayer in this case) is to that, what we either perceive and/or experience inwardly know as a fact, to exist, i.e. a prayer to that what exist.   The evidence for it, is our very experiencing of it, of the phenomenon of our own existing.  Whether within us or not, whether but a dream, whether illusory pareidolias or not.  We see, experience, react to and know, that at least something exist.  Thus it’s a prayer to all what exist. 

          Not a prayer that’s looking to elicit or heighten enthrallment and/or emotion, or for the wanting or desiring of something.  Rather a prayer of gratitude.  Not to a personified, inherited and/or a concocted or constructed entity, an anthropomorphism, separate from the reality we feel and know.  That generally people refer to and call God.  

          In other words (regardless the enmity, tragedy and the beauty in life, within existence) one either sees, perceives or experiences a higher and/or a greater unity, capacity and/or spirituality in phenomenon, or one does not.  A capacity requiring considerable spiritual development if aspired to, beyond what’s ordinary in people and/or that what’s in the pseudo esoteric. 

         Belief in a benevolent, personified and thus limited God is considered antithetical to such, if not an anathema, to having an experiential spirituality.  Due (while recognizing a given religion’s auxiliary social service contributions to societies) due to belief’s (in and of itself ) lack of efficacy, i.e. the ability to produce any real respite and succor in mankind.  Be that as concepts, beliefs and opinions are easily disputed and overwhelmed by empirical research and science, by other religions, by other philosophies and even by  insights and perceptions.

          Belief, opinion and dogmatic religion, being partly responsible for so many of the conflicts, calamities ‘and atrocities throughout history.  However evolutionarily significant that may have been. 


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